Have you ever met someone who just loves what they do? I mean love as in L-O-V-E. The big Love! Real passion! I don’t know many, but I know one. He’s my husband, Dave. He’s a hot air balloon pilot. If you’re like most people, you probably think that’s a pretty cool job. And if you ask Dave, he’ll agree with you. After close to 20 years of flying balloons he still thinks it’s cool. He loves his job!
The first question most people ask him is, “How did you end up flying balloons?”, or some variation of it. He always gives the same answer: “I’ve always wanted to fly something.” He knew from a very early age that he had a passion for flight. And when God’s timing was right, Dave flew. And he does it very well. Plus he gets to make money doing it.
How many of you have that same awareness of your passion? Have you noticed the one thing that makes your heart flutter and fills you with kindergarten giddiness just thinking about it? How would you answer the statement, “I wish I could do _________ and make a living from it”? I believe that the truth is that not too many people actually make money from a job they love. But chances are good you have a passion. It’s that longing you have in your heart and it’s always on your mind. This is the real talent and calling on your life from our heavenly Father. That’s your passion.
What’s keeping you from living your passion? Is it doubt that you can pull it off successfully? Maybe insecurity that you’re just not good enough or know enough? Or perhaps it’s pride and you think what you really want- or even need- to do is just not good enough and not worth your time.
For many years I avoided being a writer even though I’ve loved writing ever since I had a diary in the third grade. I didn’t even try because I was too afraid of failure, of looking like a total loser (no comments, please). And maybe I gave credence to the voices I thought I heard from my parents that I couldn’t do it. Fear is a huge obstacle to overcome. And I let fear hold me back from what God had for me for decades. I resisted His calling.
Find Passion In Your Hind Feet
In the book of Habakkuk (yes, it’s a real book in the Old Testament), chapter three, verse 19, the prophet declares,
“The Lord is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and He will make me walk to my high places.” (KJV)
Hinds’ feet, you may ask? Like a dog’s? Well, no. Actually, it’s more a reference to feet like a deer or a mountain goat. That probably doesn’t sound much better. But think about those words from Habakkuk. Those animals with their little hooves are able to run and jump and climb to some pretty high places with no problem. Places that few men can easily get to on their own. But these animals do it with amazing ease.
God desires to take you to the high places. He wants to do great things for you and through you so that His perfect plan can be fulfilled. But when we let fear, doubt, and insecurity get in our way we put the brakes on God. We don’t let Him toughen up and transform our feet so we can go to our high places and we end up rejecting an encounter with His greatness and His great love.
Everyone has a special talent, something unique that only you can do. Consider these two verses.
“God has given each of the ability to do certain things well.” -Romans 12:6
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various form.” -1 Peter 4:10
Whatever your talent is, that is your calling from God. And if you hear and feel that calling burning inside you, that’s your passion.
Listen, God is already way up that mountain you want to climb. He’s ready, willing, and able to help you up. He’s ready to reach out, grab your hand, and help you gain some elevation. And He’ll give you the feet to do it too. But first you have to respond to the calling and let Him help you. He is able. He is mighty.
King David knew this. He had a great heart for God and yet he ran into some troubles. Some worse than others. But he knew that God had great things for him to see and do, and so he was obedient. In 2 Samuel 22:33 he said,
“It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He causes me to stand on the heights.” (NIV)
There’s Passion In Your High Places
God wants to bless you and take you to the high places in your life. He’s ready, willing, and able to help you get there. Let Him bring reality to your passion, your calling. Let others encounter your gifts and talents so that His kingdom will be glorified and “…so that the body of Christ may be built up until we reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature….” (Eph 4:13, NIV).
I know you want what my husband has found. A job he loves. So what is your passion? What talents do you have that you need to encounter God about? Let God give you new feet and start climbing up to those high places. If you find rocks of fear and doubt in the way, kick them aside and grab hold of God’s hand so He can hoist you up and hold you steady. And when you get to the top, take a good look around. Enjoy the beautiful view. Linger a little while before you move on. And if you look really closely you’ll see a brighter future ahead of you.