Why Christians Need to Get the Salt Out of Their Shakers

Jesus says we are the salt of the earth, but what does He mean? Several theories exist, but perhaps it’s simply about faith and how believers need to get out of the shaker. Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
Jesus says we are the salt of the earth, but what does He mean? Several theories exist, but perhaps it’s simply about faith and how believers need to get out of the shaker. Read More….
God appears in many forms in the Old Testament. How can we be sure it is Him and not an angel or a man? Thankfully, the Bible has left us certain clues. Read More….
For thousands of centuries, Jewish people have rejected Jesus as the promised Messiah and Christianity entirely. By examining Jewish and world history and rabbinical teaching, Christians can better understand the reasons why and how a hope for truth still lives. Read More….
In the Jewish faith, Pentecost is a high holy day. But for Christians, it is a holiday typically overlooked. Most do not know its history, what it celebrates, or that it contains one of God’s most precious promises. Here is why every Christian should be celebrating Pentecost. Read More….
Many Christian leaders are imposing what the Bible calls strange doctrines on their congregations. In Hebrews 13, God tells us to beware and go outside the camp instead. What does God mean, and how do we know if we’re being taught falsely? Read More….