Which Herod is Which?

“Herod” appears many times in the New Testament, but it does not always refer to the same man. Which Herod was which, and how did they affect the biblical narrative? Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
“Herod” appears many times in the New Testament, but it does not always refer to the same man. Which Herod was which, and how did they affect the biblical narrative? Read More….
Luke 1:17 says an angel told the high priest Zacharias he would have a son named John, who would come “in the spirit and power of Elijah.” What did he mean and how would it happen? Read More….
In Matthew 24, the disciples ask Jesus two important questions about end times. Jesus responds by detailing the events the earth will endure when He opens the seven seals. Learn Matthew 24’s prophecy and what you must do to prepare. Read More….
While it may seem that the Jewish Fall feasts have purely Jewish significance, prophecy records that they all point to New Testament end-time events, including the rapture of the saints. Read More….
One topic most Christians find highly controversial is speaking in tongues. Many believe it is a heavenly or angelic language, while others contend it is simply gibberish. Learn what the apostle Paul says about it in 1 Corinthians. Read More….