Giving God What He Wants for Lent

Are you giving anything up for Lent this year? Chocolate? Snack food? Maybe you are trying to stop a bad habit. These things are great, but it’s still not giving God the one thing He wants from you. Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
Are you giving anything up for Lent this year? Chocolate? Snack food? Maybe you are trying to stop a bad habit. These things are great, but it’s still not giving God the one thing He wants from you. Read More….
God knows the right gift to give us at the right time, which is why He gave us not one but three special gifts of His incredible love that first Christmas. Read More….
What should we do when Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on our doors? How do we react? The Bible gives us the secret to dealing with them and other false teachers. Read More….
How Hurricane Irma taught me a few lessons about being in the eye of a storm while renewing my perspective about what’s important in life. Read More….
Everyday we see, hear, and experience unpleasant, maybe even horrible, situations. What if we asked ourselves more often the old question “What Would Jesus Do?” Read More….