4 Reasons I’m Choosing Patience in 2017

Many of us are setting goals and making plans for the new year. For Christians, our goals may include how to be more like Jesus. So here are the four reasons I’m choosing patience in 2017. Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
Many of us are setting goals and making plans for the new year. For Christians, our goals may include how to be more like Jesus. So here are the four reasons I’m choosing patience in 2017. Read More….
Like a maestro, God is the Master Conductor of everything, just as He was the year He made Christmas a reality over 2,000 years ago. Read More….
This year’s election did more than just elect new people. It also brought out the best in us and reminded us of a foundational truth. Read More….
It’s not always easy or habit to thank others for their kindness. Yet these may be the best two words you can use to share the love of the Lord. Read More….
Do you have friends you can lean on? Here’s why God calls us to have them, why it’s important for the church, and how Jesus says you are His friend too. Read More….