Why We Should Offer Comfort In Our Suffering

Jesus offered hope and comfort to the criminal hanging next to him and assured him that he would be with Him in heaven. How can we be more like Jesus every day? Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
Jesus offered hope and comfort to the criminal hanging next to him and assured him that he would be with Him in heaven. How can we be more like Jesus every day? Read More….
Despite all of Satan’s evil work, what he meant for tragedy became the ultimate triumph. There are three reasons why we should remember Satan this Easter. Read More….
We would never experience living hope unless Jesus died on the cross and rose again first. Without Easter we would have no hope for anything at all. Read More….
Are you fasting for Lent? Are you having trouble with it? Here are four tactics Jesus used to overcome Satan when He was fasting in the desert. Read More….
Are your eyes on the same road that God has for you? If you listen to the Lord He will guide you on the roads you know to be true and lead you to the narrow gate that leads to Heaven. Read More….