For the Good of Your Own Little City

Jeremiah tells us to seek our “city’s” welfare because as we do we will also personally benefit. Who wouldn’t want a peaceful house? Who wouldn’t want their family’s joy restored? Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
Jeremiah tells us to seek our “city’s” welfare because as we do we will also personally benefit. Who wouldn’t want a peaceful house? Who wouldn’t want their family’s joy restored? Read More….
Grown-ups and today’s kids are very different. They see the world in an entirely different way than us. So we have to catch our kids wherever we can. There are so many ways that we can reach on children (and ourselves) right where they are if we just make the effort. Read More….
Raising kids isn’t always easy. As Christian moms, we have to be determined to complete the mission of creating a new generation of soldiers for Christ. Read More….
Is there a black sheep in your family driving everyone crazy? Here’s why God promises good days ahead for you and your family. Read More….
Kids fight. It’s just a fact. As parents, it can be difficult to handle the situation when your kids break out into war. Thankfully, God knows our struggles and He has some solutions for us. When we do things God’s way, peace is possible again for your family. Read More….