Is 666 the Correct Number of the Beast?

Many people know the book of Revelation says the number of the beast is 666. Yet certain early manuscripts state the number is 616. Which is correct? Read More….
Taking your faith journey one step at a time.
Many people know the book of Revelation says the number of the beast is 666. Yet certain early manuscripts state the number is 616. Which is correct? Read More….
The word blessed appears dozens of times in the Bible. But there is a special blessing God gives to those who do one simple thing. Read More….
Though many largely regard Rosh HaShanah as a purely Jewish holiday marked by blowing trumpets, the real meaning of the day points to the prophecy of the rapture and Jesus’ return for His bride. Read More….
After God split Israel into two kingdoms, many of the tribes of Jacob seemed to disappear. Where did they go? Do they still exist? Read More….
In Acts 15, the apostles convened a meeting that forever changed the Christian religion into what we know today. Discover what happened and why it was necessary. Read More….